Purpose of Grant
Freshwater habitat improvements and fish counting.
Freshwater habitat improvements and fish counting.
The Obbe Fishery is a series of lochs connected by small burns in the southern tip of Harris. Fish numbers have declined in recent years but there are indications that with the right improvements a recovery of stocks could be achieved. Local fishery managers have come together with a programme of suggested improvements that stretches from the sea pool to the headwater redds.
The applicants have applied to the fund for the following work –
1. Physical repair and stabilisation of an aged dam wall in the lowest loch using environmentally acceptable materials.
2. The cleaning and enhancement of gravels in the headwaters by power blasting and gravel placement
3. Utilising underwater camera technology, understanding the numbers of returning migratory fish as well as the movements of smolts and kelts downstream. These finding will be used to further inform future fisheries management and improvement of stocks.
The project was awarded a grant of £3,000 from the fund.
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